The Gift that brings the world to us
by Aunt Kelly & Uncle Mark, for our nieces and nephews
We live in a park, that is also a city. The world comes to visit because it's so pretty.
The world's best water springs right out of our ground! This is why we're world famous- (you might say renowned!)
Our city is also a national park! That's because of our water, because it's not dark.
Our water is healing, and our water is clear. Our water brings people to visit each year.
Our water is clean, and really tastes great! It's one of the reasons we're "The Natural State".
We have lots of guests and we love when they come. It's a joy to discover where each person comes from!
GOD gave us good water to bless EVERYONE, not just those who visit, but those who have none!
Some people must walk very far every day to find water to drink, wash their faces and play.
They have heard that clean water, that is refreshing to sip-- could spring out of their ground, and would save them a trip!
A fresh water source- that is right where they live! The only thing needed is someone to GIVE.
And that's where we come into their story! We can show them the love and the joy of GOD's glory!
From all that He's given us, we can give them! That's what LOVE is.....sharing LIFE with a friend!
So let's bless the nations, and remember to think--some families walk all day to get their children a drink.
Walking for miles is a such a terrible fuss--So let's give them the gift that brings the world to us! WATER!