Cranberry Clementine Camelback Come'youknee'tea!
I became a massage therapist for 2 reasons: to support missions and live a life of ministry. My journey has been long, but my purpose is steadfast. I have learned a lot about how to do the work I am called to, and I have ideas I am ready to implement! Ideas that I cannot implement alone. I am creating Cranberry Clementine Camelback Come'youknee'tea! and inviting you to join me!
Mountains. Nations. Great Commission.
Mornings. New Days. Great Comfort and Joy of Christmas.
I have ideas to follow the Great Commission by Giving Outrageously!-GO!- to finance the frontlines. To support the work of those who carry the Good News of Salvation to the ends of the earth, and to every tongue, tribe, and nation."How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, Your GOD reigns!" Isaiah 52:7
I have ideas to further the Great Comfort and Joy of Christmas beyond a season of giving, to giving every day like it was Christmas, to bless
Children: nourishing children through MannaRelief--nurturing children through the Gospel to reach the Unreached
Unreached: providing access to the Gospel by meeting tangible needs such as clean water
Persecuted: praying for those persecuted for faith: supporting ministries that rescue and restore those persecuted by trafficking
Pour: providing opportunity for work and water for those who pour their lives out in a cycle of poverty
Servaunts: providing for those who live their lives to see GOD's Kingdom come on earth, among all peoples, as it is in heaven!
Minis'trees. Neighbors. Great Commandments.
Marathons. Needs. Great in God's Kingdom.
Ideas to follow the Great Commandments and show love to my neighbors by ministering through massage therapy to women who are mourning the loss of a loved one, or living through another deep sorrow.
GOD has given me much grace and joy in the face of much sorrow and pain, and has called me to minister to women who find themselves in mourning. "The Father of COMPASSION and the GOD of all COMFORT, Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from GOD." 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
The winter of 2010, our community suffered the tragic loss of a vibrant father and his young daughters. Friends of the family called me to give massages to his wife and extended family who were gathered with her in deep and sudden sorrow. As Heaven flowed through me, I knew this was a Holy Calling.
Just a little over a year later, I joined While We're Waiting (a ministry for bereaved parents, based here in Hot Springs) by giving massages to the bereaved mothers who attend While We’re Waiting retreats. Even though my work with WWW is volunteer, it is the most meaningful part of my career as a massage therapist.
After years of volunteering with While We're Waiting, and gifting additional massages in my studio to women who are mourning, I knew it was time to make this into a ministry and invite others in to support my work. By inviting others to support me, I knew I could do more, and eventually work with more massage therapists to minister to more women who are mourning.
Christmassage is a tangible way to come alongside a woman in her sorrow, to bring comfort and rest, pointing her to the GOD of all Comfort for healing and strength.
So--that's a lot! To begin, my focus is on my Minis'tree with Mourning Women. They will be the first focus of my Massage Marathons.
I am hosting my first-ever-much-anticipated TheGreatGo! MassageMarathons! to support my vision for Mountains--Mornings--Minis'trees. Join the Cranberry Clementine Come'youknee'tea! and support my Massage Marathons. Massage Marathons are made up (at this point, while it's just me) of 37 Annoint'mint Appoint'mints of 90 minutes each. That's 3 a day for 12 Days, with 1 more added in wherever it best fits. A fully funded Massage Marathon is 30 paid Annoint'mint Appoint'mints @$200 each, for a total of $6k. Seven Annoint'mint Appoint'mints are offered for a Love Offerings of any amount. Annoint'mint Appoint'mints for grieving women will be given at no cost to them, that's all the time.
Pinecone Promises is not yet a 501(c)3 but you may contribute to my Massage Marathons through my MInis'tree partner, Gospel Light. If you need a tax receipt at the end of the year, you may request one from them.
I am ready to get my vision up and "running"! Run with me!
Cranberry Clementine Camelback Come'youknee'tea!
Cranberry is an invitation!
C-Come to the God of All Comfort!
R-Refresh others and you will be refreshed!
A-AND acronym: A New Day! Joy comes in the morning! His mercies are new every morning!
N-Nourish Come! Listen to Me and you will delight in the richest of fare! Isaiah 55
B-Believe God is with you and trust Him entirely!
E-Embrace the the promises and presence of GOD!
R-Remember His steadfast love never ends!
R-Rejoice in the Lord, always, again, I say, rejoice!
Y-Yearn for the Great Day when everything is made right!