You are invited to the Great Go! Christmas Show! A Lampposts and Lollipops Loblolly L'abri Patchwork Poddyssey with Aunt Kelly and Alpine Snow! We are so excited to be here to share with you our GREAT pass!on to SEED first the Kingdom of GOD, SEEK first the Kingdom of GOD, and SEE God's Kingdom Come on earth, as it is in heaven! We are here to invite you to join us as we make the GREAT Commandments, GREAT Commission, and GREAT Comfort and Joy of Christmas, our GREAT Compelling Business order to be GREAT in GOD'S Kingdom! Just like you, we are here for "such a time as this" and we have made Pinecone Promises to Pour IN Everything! Cheer ON Everyone! Seed First the Kingdom of GOD! Come ON Earth! by making ourselves servants of ALL, "Ta Ethne" ALL Peoples, especially Children, Unreached, Persecuted, Pour, Servaunts aka the "Bought'tea" (Reached and Not Yet Reached) of Christ! You are invited to come with us! Together, let's employ and engage our God given, entirely unearned, specially appointed, uniquely crafted gifts and talents, along with our skills and specialties, side-hustles and careers, and the tools of business, free enterprise, commerce, trade, goods, services, and lots of money, tons of money, and our hard fought for freedoms, as faithful stewards, and let's SHOW the world Christmas, Comfort and Joy, Lavish Love, and God's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven! How's that for a GREAT invitation?!
My name is Kelly, and I am an Alaska Anything Lavish Love Come'pass!onary Pinecone Promises Pearaunt Pro'Visionary Pine'Onear SeaShell Entrepreneur, serving the Bought'tea of Christ! I am here, inside the Cozy Christmas Cottage Loblolly L'abri Chai'let, with Alpine Snow Kindle-Kairos, my long awaited (27 years long) promised by my late Mother, Evelyn, dearly loved, kindhearted, Bernese Mountain Dog Love Lavish Come'pan!onary! Alpine Snow was born on the 3rd day of Christmas, December 27, 2022, in Victor, Montana, to Russian father and Ukrainian mother. Alpine Snow is an absolute delight, and is entirely committed to the Great Go! Well, she is entirely committed to me, and so, indirectly, but very directly, committed. If you have a dog, then you understand! From time to time, we will be joined by my husband, Uncle Mark, and at least a few of our nieces and nephews, Alder Seven, Juniper Olive, and Charley Oak Linden, our inspiration for Chews this Day Yukon Chew Chew Charley, and hopefully many other delightful and precious in God's sight, people, from here in beautiful Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas, and other parts of our beloved USA and maybe even from around the whole wide wonderful world that GOD created!
We have a lot to unpack and unwrap and just like a child longing for Christmas morning, we can't wait! It won't be long before Ta Ethne Alleluia, Chair'tea, Fullonthrop'E!, Bought'tea of Christ, Christmassage, Come'pass!onary, Pearaunt, Loblolly L'abri, Pinecone Promises, and so many more delightful and meaningful words and ideas are part of your own vocabulary!
Jesus gave us TWO GREAT Commandments and ONE Great Commission.
The TWO Great Commandments are LOVE!
A) LOVE the LORD your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and
A) because it is just like the first, LOVE your neighbor as you love yourself.
Our ONE GREAT Commission is GO. GO into ALL the world, and make disciples of ALL peoples, "ta ethne".
Jesus came to us to show God's great love for us through his birth, life, death, burial and resurrection! That is why we love Christmas around here so much! Christmas is the celebration of GOD WITH US. Christmas is the promised LOVE of GOD, given freely to us, forever!
To tie all this together, Jesus SHOWED us HOW to be GREAT in His Kingdom! Be a Servant of ALL! Let’s make it our business, as Entrepreneurs and Followers of Jesus, to SEED FIRST the Kingdom of GOD, from the wealthiest place on earth, in the wealthiest time of history, and to follow Jesus fully, as a Servant of "Ta Ethne", all peoples, as Jesus told us in Matthew 28! Let's truly, truly follow Jesus! Let's pray, let's live, let's make it our very business, let's grab hold of the GREAT Op'pour'twoknee'tea to create GREAT wealth to SEED this prayer COME to pass, Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven! There's a New Day Dawning! There is more than we can imagine GREAT Op’pour’twoknee’tea right now to create GREAT wealth through Business AS Mission to bless the nations, serve the Bought'tea of Christ, and bring comfort and joy to the whole wide world with the good news and the good works of the Gospel!
Remember! We will NOT lose our reward! The fruit that we bear will remain forever! We have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this! Oh to say again, the peoples which sat in darkness have seen a GREAT light! Oh to see again this weary world rejoice! Comfort and Joy to the world! The LORD is come! Let earth receive her King! Ta Ethne Alleluia! All Peoples Praise the LORD!
There's A New Day Dawning! This is our Great Op'pour'twoknee'tea! The Great Commandments, Great Commission, Great Comfort and Joy of Christmas! The Great Go! Christmas Show! You are invited! Hear! We! Go!