ASLAN LEAPS! Happy Birthday, ASLAN!
In The Chronicles of Narnia, ASLAN, The True King of Narnia, a LION, LEAPS with the children when he meets them at the Stone Table after he returns to life from death, then he LEAPS over the castle wall of the witch's home, where he breathes life back into the creatures she had turned to stone, and in one final LEAP, he lands on the witch herself, and kills her!
4 years ago today, on Leap Year Day, I signed a 4 year loan for my Subaru Ascent which I named ASLAN, after the LION in Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia. I had no personal or business debt, and because of my impeccable credit score, I qualified for a 0.09% loan which I made sure was signed and dated on Saturday, the 29th of February, because that date symbolized MY LEAP of faith into everything GOD has called me to do!
I imagined Aslan and I would be "on the move" to share my vision as a Come'pass!onary and gather sponsors to carry out the fullness of my calling. Toward this end, I moved my business/ministry out of the Cozy Christmas Cottage and put everything I owned in storage.
Three weeks after I signed the loan for ASLAN and 10 days after I moved out of the Cozy Christmas Cottage, Hot Springs and the rest of the whole wide world began to shut down. I had a newly financed vehicle, and no income. I had a vision I wanted to share face to face with friends, but most people weren't meeting face to face, and besides, since my vision centered around "Running" year round MassageMarathons to raise support for missions and ministries, obviously it wasn't the right time.
That unexpected turn of events brought both challenges and new possibilities, and I have done my best to ride the waves of both. It has been quite an adventure, and truly a special time of refining and defining both for my vision and for me. I have been able to hold on, though I've lived close to the edge financially most of the last 4 years. I am thrilled to say, that my vision is bolder and bigger than ever, and I am ready to run with it! It is the right time!
I am at the very cusp of embarking on the fullness of my calling, and I am also at the very end of what I can do alone.
Chase the Lion! If your dream doesn't scare you, it's too small! That's the title of a book I bought 61 months ago on my 46th birthday. ASLAN's loan is through CHASE, which makes me think of this book every time I open my CHASE app to make a payment on ASLAN.
I am chasing the lion, and now the lion is chasing me! I have received a letter from Chase stating I have to pay them 1/3 of the remaining balance due by the 3rd of March, and then the rest of it pretty quickly, or they re possess the vehicle or force the entire loan immediately.
My pay off for ASLAN is $6110.35. When I signed the loan 4 years ago today, I saw no reason why I wouldn't be able to make every payment, and even "leap ahead" to pay ASLAN off entirely by his birthday, February 29, 2024, and in spite of my setbacks, I have done everything I can to work toward that end. If you've ever pursued an entrepreneurial vision, you know it takes a lot to see it come together and get out the gate. I have invested my time, energies and monies into my vision to create a vehicle to raise support full time for missions and ministries through MassageMarathons! At the expense of my own vehicle!
It was a very long time ago that I began to understand the truth of Ecclesiastes 10:19, that money is the answer to everything. I was only ever interested in missions and ministries, but guess what they need more than anything, in order to do their work? Money And Prayer! I knew how to pray, but it's taken me almost 28 years to get geared up for Money, but I'm there now!
I have big plans for MassageMarathons to raise tons of money and to be a global enterprise, supporting Kingdom people and Kingdom work, in ways they have only imagined! Most people in missions and ministries aren't money people. And the funny thing is, I know this because I am one! But GOD uses the most unlikely people to do the most unlikely things, doesn't He? Do you think GOD would call a massage therapist with no natural drive for money to generate billions of dollars for Kingdom work? If you think about it, that sounds just like something He would do! And I am here to boldly tell you, that is what He has called me to, and I know He will bring it to pass! He uses whom He chooses, and I am amazed and delighted that He has chosen me for this exciting work!
I had no idea it would take me almost 28 years out of massage school and 51 years of life to reach the START LINE of my MassageMarathons! But HERE I AM!!!!! I am ready to RUN!!!!!
With my eye on the calendar, I have became more and more aware that I was being led to a Red Sea/Jordan River moment, which is exciting, if I look at it the right way, and daunting, if I don't. And I was right. HERE I AM!!!!!
In GOD's usual and lavish way with me, He has made things match! It's one of the very personal ways He assures me He with with me, and that I am on the right path. A fully funded MassageMarathon (at this point, with just me working) raises $6k to support missions and ministries, and that matches what I need to pay off ASLAN, which is $6110.35 with the $110.35 being just enough more to remind me of GOD's promise of Psalm 110 and Isaiah 35!
So here is what I am proposing: give me all you've got to save ASLAN and kick off my MassageMarathons! A MassageMarathon is 60 massage sessions of $100 each, so all those 60 massages will be given to Givers and Grievers within this first year of MassageMarathons! LEAP YEAR DAY is the 60th Day of the year! Isaiah 60 says, Arise! Shine! For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD rises upon you!