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February 9, 1920

"February 9, 1920," my maternal grandmother would often repeat her date of birth, always with a smile on her face. She would comment about what a stir her arrival must've created, with all the joys of welcoming a brand new baby girl to the family. I could almost see her parents and brother in my mind, as I imagined life in 1920. I am glad she had a cheerful outlook on the memories she shared, and the way she narrated her life to us.

It is from her that I undoubtedly picked up my love for birthdays, and my knack for remembering special dates in general.

She was born Dorothy Irene Russell, on the 9th day of February, in the year 1920, in a place with a fun name, Wauzeeka, Wisconsin. She was the 2nd child born into her family, which would eventually boast 5 boys and 3 girls, though one of the girls died when she was about 2 months old.

Her older brother, Ralph Samuel, was born in a dugout in Montana. I remember her telling me that detail every time she spoke of him. I wish I had asked more questions. When you are growing up, it just seems like you have forever, and then when you're grown up, you find yourself talking mostly about things of the present. I spent a lot of time with her, but I didn't ask so many questions I wish now I knew the answers to. Life goes by so quickly, doesn't it?

She was born on the 9th of February, and 21 years later, on the 8th of April, 1941, she married my grandfather, Charley William Sisson, and so became Dorothy Irene Sisson. Charley and Dorthey are my Mother's parents, and I always called them Papa Sisson and Mama Sisson, as Sisson was their last name. 

Somewhere along the way, Mama Sisson changed the spelling of Dorothy-D-O-R-O-T-H-Y to Dorthey- D-O-R-T-H-E-Y, for 2 reasons, as she told me. First, to match the E-Y in Charley, C-H-A-R-L-E-Y

Her other reason is that the traditional spelling of Dorothy, sounded out as written, would be Doro-thy, yet she always heard her name as Dorthey, so it just made much more sense to her all the way around, to spell her name without the extra o, and wrap it up with an ey. I quite agree!

So now you also know where I picked up my creative license to craft new spellings for words and names.

As I write and record this, it is 2024. 1920 was 104 years ago! 104 years ago, on a cold winter day in Wauzeeka, Wisconsin, Mama Sisson was born. She wouldn't be called Mama Sisson for many years, and yet, she was becoming Mama Sisson all along. Every life experience, every trial, everything she enjoyed or endured, her faith and trust in GOD, all made her into the Mama Sisson that blessed our family, especially her grandchildren. This is a wonder filled thought for me. I wasn't called Aunt Kelly for many years, but from the time GOD planned my days, and I was knit together in my Mother's womb, and throughout the years of shaping me and all the experiences of my whole life, I was becoming Aunt Kelly. GOD didn't just create Mama Sisson for me, but her role in my life was undeniably strategic and special. GOD made me to be more than Aunt Kelly, but being Aunt Kelly is a big part of my purpose here. What about you? Who have you been created and shaped to be in the life of your family, particularly the children in your family? How will they remember you 104 years from now?

Dorthey means GIFT OF GOD and Irene means PEACE. Mama Sisson was God's gift of peace in our family. I can't wait to tell you more about her! Happy Birthday, Mama Sisson! February 9 will always be celebrated as long as I am here for it!

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