BACK FORREST FULLAUNTHROP'E! (pronounced just like philanthropy) is philanthropy named in honor of my Mother (Evelyn) and her mother (Mama Sisson) whose lives made me the Aunt Kelly that I am today. Children Cheer Chair'E'teas! The E in Fullaunthrop'E and Chair'E'Teas! is for Evelyn! Every E is for Evelyn!
Will You Hold the Rope?
"Our undertaking to India really appeared at its beginning to me somewhat like a few men, who were deliberating about the importance of penetrating a deep mine, which had never before been explored. We had no one to guide us; and whilst we were thus deliberating, Carey, as it were, said, "Well, I will go down, if you will hold the rope." But, before he descended, he, as it seemed to me, took an oath from each of us at the mouth of the pit, to this effect that "whilst we lived, we should never let go the rope." -Andrew Fuller, in a letter to Christopher Anderson
Will You Hold the Rope?
This powerful image comes from William Carey, who blazed the trail to India in 1792, and saw his mission as a miner penetrating into a deep mine — which had never been explored, with no one to guide. He said to Andrew Fuller and John Ryland and his other pastor friends: “I will go down, if you will hold the rope.” And John Ryland reports: “He took an oath from each of us, at the mouth of the pit, to this effect—that ‘while we lived, we should never let go of the rope.’” (Morden, Offering Christ to the World, 167).
The Great GO! is FullAunThrop'E! Forrest of the Bought'tea!
What is FullAunThrop'E!?
FullAunThrop'E! (sounds like philanthropy, "full-aunt-thro-p'e!) was named for my Mother, Evelyn, who most always signed her name simply with the letter "E" and she lived her life like an exclamation mark! She was an Enthusiast! The E is originally for Evelyn, and the exclamation mark! is for Enthusiast! This still stands, but also, the E! is for Everything! FullAunThrop'E! is about cheerfully, joyously, enthusiastically, giving Everything! for the Kingdom of GOD!
5 1/2 years after I created the word FullAunThrop'E! I made an astonishing discovery which confirmed my calling to FullAunThrop'E! in a way I will never forget. I was in Secret Church '21, listening to David Platt share about William Carey and Andrew Fuller. William Carey was a missionary extraordinaire to India, and Andrew Fuller was his chief support. Carey famously said to Fuller (and a few others) "I will go if you will hold the rope." He had likened taking the Good News of Great Joy for All People to India, to going down into a mine, wherein was great treasure and great risk, and a venture not to be entered into alone. To this mission venture he pledged his life, as long as his friends would "hold the rope" by supporting him with prayer and resources. As I listened to David Platt, I wrote down on the paper in front of me, FullAunThrop'E! as tears spilled down my face. When I crafted the word FullAunThrop'E! I had actually wondered if I should consider an alternate spelling because it looked like Full-aunth-rope! and I didn't want people to be distracted with th-rope! This was one of the strongest confirmations to me, of which there have been too many to remember, that this vision is not mine, but His.
But that's not it! Even Fuller's name is in Fullonthrop'E! along with "throp'E!" which he promised to hold!
What is The Rest of the Bought'tea!?
Rest: the rest and care and refreshing of our physical bodies
Rest: the rest of the Bought'tea! (our brothers and sisters in Christ)
Rest: the rest of the world, those we commonly call the Un'reached
Bought'tea! is a word for body, our temple of the Holy Spirit
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from GOD? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor GOD with your bodies."1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Bought'tea! is a word for the Body of Christ among "all peoples"
Jesus bought peoples from every tribe, tongue, and nation with His blood
'tea! in Bought'tea! is an acronym for "ta ethne alleluia!" which is Greek and means, "all peoples praise the Lord!" When Jesus gave The Great Commission (Matthew 28) He said to make disciples of "ta ethne", "all peoples"....so... if we make disciples, they will praise the LORD and since "alleluia!" means "praise the Lord!" then "ta ethne alleuia", "all peoples praise the Lord!" fits The Great GO! to a 'tea! Wouldn't you say?
"I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people!
Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;
he is the Messiah, the Lord." (Luke 2)
The Great GO! FullAunTh'rop'E! Forrest of the Bought'tea!
S: Share Good News!
O: Of Great Joy!
W: With All People!
SOW! (Seed first the Kingdom of GOD!)
Share: Sow here and reap eternally!
Of: Over flowing!
With: Wholeheartedly trust in Him!