#7miles7million: Children
Sam and Linda Caster, Vision Casters of Alovea/MannaRelief desire to nourish 7 million children 7 days a week with acemannan supplements through the most amazing social business model on the planet: Alovea/MannaRelief! I am joined with them in this quest!
#7ks7days: Unreached
According to Joshua Project, there are more than 7k (7398 is the number they give) distinct Unreached People Groups who have yet to hear the life-giving good news of the Gospel! There are Great Commission organizations and people working hard to get the Gospel to the Unreached! I am joining them in this quest!
#7ks7days: Persecuted
According to David Platt, Unreached and Persecuted go hand in hand. The greatest desire of those who are Persecuted for their faith in Jesus is for the Body of Christ to hold them in prayer for strength, courage, grace---I am joining with others who pray for the Persecuted Church!
#7ks7days: Poor
7 days a week, women and children in Africa and Asia walk an average distance of 6k to collect water for their families from an impure water source. In 2021, I walked #6keveryday for 304 days to pray and post about this critical water concern. Scott Harrison, founder of charity:water, is one of the amazing visionaries working for the day that every person on the planet has access to safe, clean drinking water. I am joined with him/them in this quest!