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The Fight Is On! Bring It!

I am 50 years old and I have lived through many battles. Not one of them did I want to face. My MO, historically, was to be avoidant. That doesn't work when you are called to be a warrior. 

I have learned to battle for those I love, every day. I battle in prayer, and praise, and worship and the WORD OF GOD. I battle in work, and love, and with endurance and faith. I battle by standing on the promises of GOD my Savior. This is much of what my life consists of. 

This morning as I was praying, I declared, we KNOW the VICTORY is ours! It is CERTAIN! And then I had to sing this song, that I have loved for years. Every time I sing it, I can "see" in my mind's memories, Mother sitting at the piano, pounding out this battle cry, with both of us singing at the tops of our lungs. I won't do that now, but I will sing it. I love to sing in prayer and promise. As Augustine says, and I believe, "The one who sings, prays twice."

The Fight Is On! was written by Mrs. C H Morris of Ohio, which makes this hymn even more empowering to me, as Ohio is our 17th state, whose state motto is WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, and to match the 17th state, the battle between David and Goliath is recorded in 1 Samuel 17!

The fight is on! Bring it! 

The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out,
The cry "To arms!" is heard afar and near;
The Lord of hosts is marching on to victory,
The triumph of the Christ will soon appear.

The fight is on, O Christian soldier,
And face to face in stern array,
With armor gleaming, and colors streaming,
The right and wrong engage today!
The fight is on, but be not weary;
Be strong and in His might hold fast;
If God be for us, His banner o'er us,
We'll sing the victor's song at last!

2 The fight is on, arouse, ye soldiers brave and true!
Jehovah leads, and vict'ry will assure;
Go, buckle on the armor God has given you,
And in His strength unto the end endure [Chorus]

3 The Lord is leading on to certain victory;
The bow of promise spans the eastern sky;
His glorious name in ev'ry land shall honored be;
The morn will break, the dawn of peace is nigh. [Chorus]

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