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Carrot Cake Jubilee Part 2

January 11 is the day John Piper was born in 1946, which means he is 78 on this day in 2024. His birthday is important to me because his life is important to me. I have Piper stories to share futurely, which reminds me of the title of one of my favorite books of his, Future Grace. If you haven't read it, I encourage you to! 

On January 11 in 2016, GOD gave me a Carrot Cake and the promise of Victory and Jubilee.

On January 11 this year, 2024, He blew me away by doubling down on the promises of January 11, 2016, and making this day a day I will always remember and celebrate. I didn't know there would be a part 2 of Carrot Cake Jubilee--8 years to the day later! 

January 11, 2016, I was 42, exactly 3 weeks shy of my 43rd birthday. January 11, 2024, I was 50, exactly 3 weeks shy of my 51st birthday. January 11, 2016, a friend texted for a mobile massage, and while there, gave me a carrot cake, and on my way home from that appointment, Michael Card's song, Jesus Is Our Jubilee, was playing, and I hit repeat to listen to it over and over. The promise of Jubilee! Hopefully you've already heard that story. 

This January 11, the same friend texted for a mobile massage, and even though I had been thinking of the joy of Carrot Cake Day all day, it wasn't until I was in their home, that it hit me! THIS was where I was on January 11, 2016! Same family, but a brand new home. I think that is significant to God's promises. I was astounded! I knew GOD had sent me for a reason, so I was on high alert! Sure enough, He encouraged me and spoke to me the whole time I was there. It's way too much to share, but I will tell you this: while there, I received one of the most encouraging texts I have ever received in my entire life. So encouraging that I couldn't stop crying! Which then reminded me that on the original January 11, 2016, I had also been in tears while working on my friend's feet, but they were tears of deep anguish and this time they were tears of indescribable JOY! I have been visiting this home many times for many years, probably 17 years, and only twice have I ever been in tears, and both times, the date was January 11.

Sometimes I listen to the Bible while I work, with an earbud in one ear. Especially now, that I memorizing The Christmas Story. So I opened my DWELL app, and was surprised to see it wasn't set to The Christmas Story, but rather Isaiah 61. The Jubilee chapter! I almost couldn't stay still! I have listened to nothing but The Christmas Story since December 1st, but had opened the app to Isaiah 61 to look up a verse a day or 2 before, and so that is where it still was. January 11 is the day GOD gave me the promise of Jubilee! through the Michael Card song on my way home with a carrot cake! And now, 8 years later, I opened my Bible app which was set to Isaiah 61, the Jubilee chapter, and I was 50 years old! The year of Jubilee!

So I listened to Isaiah 61 on a loop while I sat at my friend's feet for a 90 minute foot massage. I sat in awe at the mystery and promise of my Faithful GOD. 

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