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Carry On!

In early 2003, I asked Mother to partner with me to carry out my vision to bless the nations and of course, she said YES! Unequivocally and enthusiastically! We were both eager and ready and it seemed "everything" was "coming together" and the timing was perfect!

But just weeks after our high-fiving, hand-clapping, "Let's do this!" celebration, Mother began having crazy symptoms, was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disease, fought it creatively and bravely, per her usual, but breathed her last breath on Sunday morning, March 13, 2005, 11:55am. She lived on earth 60 years 6 months 3 days 11 hours 54 minutes. I shared 32 years 1 month 13 days with her. 

A few weeks before she passed away, I asked her something I never wanted to ask, "what do we do if you don't make it?" Without a pause, in full Evelyn mode, she threw her face upward with her finger in the air to signify a rally cry, and enthusiastically declared, "CARRY ON!" 

One of the last things I remember her saying, through great difficulty, was, "I need to see Cedar. I need to talk to Cedar." Cedar is my nephew who was born in Alaska 2 months after Mother passed away in Arkansas. Mother didn't get to see Cedar or talk to him. This isn't AT ALL the way we imagined it would be! But we will CARRY ON!

The amazing thing about the promise and presence of eternal life is what we do in our lifetime lives on into Eternity, and lives on through others on Earth! Mother lived her 60 years FULL-E! She has left us with Fullness! Enthusiasm! Perseverance! Joy! Looking to Jesus! IN Everything! We CARRY ON! By faith, with hope, in love.....every step moving toward the City we cannot see, knowing we are receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken!

I love you, Mother! It's finally happening! We are going to bless the nations! To the very ends of the earth! I can't wait to celebrate with you, and people from every tribe, tongue and nation forever! Ta Ethne Alleluia! "All Peoples Praise the LORD!"

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  • Camelback Come'pass!onary
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