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Pinecone Promises, Part 2

And now, for the mission of Pinecone Promises. I had fun creating this! I designed the words to match, and everything begins with the letters G and C, as in Grand Canyon, which along with Zion, is my favorite National Park in the USA. The pattern presented itself with the Great Commission and the Great Commandments, and so I went from there. The Great Commission is what Jesus gave us to do: go into all the world and preach the gospel and make disciples of all peoples. The Great Commandments is how we are to live: love GOD with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourself. The Great Comfort and Joy of Christmas is that Jesus came to earth to give us everything. Romans 8:32, again, "He who did not spare His own Son, but gave him up for us all--how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" 

So, here is the mission of Pinecone Promises: Generously Cultivate Great Commission Great Commandments Great Comfort and Joy of Christmas Giving Catalysts! Generously Cultivate: pour in everything to grow giving in our lives and especially in the lives of children--to be and become--Giving Catalysts----a Giving Catalyst is someone who makes giving who they are--so that giving is not what they do, it is who they are---and to live and give in such a way that fascinates and intrigues and compels and inspires others to do the same! And not just any kind of giving, but Great Commission Great Commandments Great Comfort and Joy of Christmas Giving! This is what the Great Go! Christmas Show! is all about! And this is why I decided to file for a nonprofit named Pinecone Promises, so that I could maximize my giving and catalyzing potential, as a social entrepreneur and philanthropist, as a Come'pass!onary!

  • Camelback Come'pass!onary
  • Alaska Advent'cheers!
  • Muir Mountains
  • Pinecone Promises
  • Camelback Come'pass!onary
  • Alaska Advent'cheers!
  • Muir Mountains
  • Pinecone Promises