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Pour IN Everything. Cheer ON Everyone. Seed First the Kingdom of GOD. And lastly, Come ON Earth.

I want to SEED First God's Kingdom, Come ON Earth. Come ON Earth is the second acronym for CONE. Like PINE, the word IN is kept "intact" for the acronym, and with CONE, the word ON is kept intact for Cheer ON Everyone, so it is with Come ON Earth. This is where I want to SEED First God's Kingdom, Come ON Earth, as it is in heaven. My treasure is being laid up for me in eternity, and I don't know really what that means, but I trust that GOD is the Biggest Giver with the Best Ideas and He has promised that eye has not seen nor has ear heard nor has it entered into the heart of man what GOD has prepared for those who love Him. I have seen enough of His creation and His ways and the the amazing things that have entered into the hearts of men, that I trust that what He is preparing for me is going to be so wildly, unbelievably worth every investment I could possibly make here on earth. Unfathomably so. I truly believe this! The reward will be wow. Just wow. Forever. What I am talking about is the way Jesus taught us to pray, and what we desire when we follow Him. For His Kingdom to Come ON Earth, as it is in heaven. Heaven on earth! This is the prayer Jesus gave us, and this wraps up my motto, this is why I Pour IN Everything, Cheer ON Everyone, Seed First God's Kingdom! to Come ON Earth, as it is in Heaven! 

In Heaven, there are peoples from every tongue, tribe, and nation worshipping around the throne. In heaven, no one lacks access to clean water, good nourishment, cheerfulness, and courage. I know there is coming a day when every tear will be wiped away and there will be no more sorrow or pain, because that will be heaven, forever. And that is what I long for, that is what I PINE for, but also, we can pray and live in such a way that where our seed and prayers and time and money go, we can see God's Kingdom Come ON Earth. It begins with prayer. Always. We are His temple, and so we are a house of prayer. Through our prayers, GOD moves us. I have been so moved to be part of his purposes here. To seek and to seed and to see His Kingdom Come ON Earth. 

So there it is. My life motto is a PINE, and a PINECONE. Next up will be PINECONE Promises. Stay tuned!

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  • Pinecone Promises
  • Camelback Come'pass!onary
  • Alaska Advent'cheers!
  • Muir Mountains
  • Pinecone Promises