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The January before my 46th birthday, February 1st, 2019, while working at the Cozy Christmas Cottage, I was given a new name to call myself, a Come'pass!onary. I had prayed for a long time about what exactly to call myself, vocation-wise. The name Come'pass!onary was a beautiful answer to that prayer. I had been a licensed massage therapist since 1996, and had thought long and hard about something descriptive that embraced my work as a massage therapist, but also pointed to my role as a social entrepreneur and philanthropist. 

Come'pass!onary fit like a comfortable shoe from the moment it first came to mind. That was 5 years ago, as it is January 2024 as I write and record this.

If you are not reading this, but listening, then you will need to know how I spell Come'pass!onary. Come'pass!onary is spelled just like it sounds, but with an e, in come, for a double play on come'pass!on. Compass!on, which originally means to suffer with, and come-pass!on c-o-m-e-p-a-s-s-!-o-n, which means pass!on for coming, the coming of Jesus to earth, both the first time, and His promised return. I am come'pass!onate about Jesus coming to earth, Christmas. I am come'pass!onate about Jesus coming back to earth, for His bride. Because of this come'pass!on, I have come'pass!on for others. My calling as a Come'pass!onary specifically includes providing the gift of massage for women who are mourning the loss of a loved one, the gift of clean water and work for families, the gift of nourishment and nurturing for children, and the gift of hearing and knowing the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus, for peoples in every tribe, tongue and nation.

As a Come'pass!onary, I live with pass!on to see God's Kingdom COME on earth, as it is in heaven, and I have made it my Minis'tree Business to live this pass!on out through works of compassion.

  • Camelback Come'pass!onary
  • Alaska Advent'cheers!
  • Muir Mountains
  • Pinecone Promises
  • Camelback Come'pass!onary
  • Alaska Advent'cheers!
  • Muir Mountains
  • Pinecone Promises