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11 Days in a Walk of Faith

Without faith, it's impossible! I won't sing anymore so as not infringe on the 1977 copyright to this song from The Music Machine that I learned as a small child. I still sing this song often to myself today! I hope you are familiar with The Music Machine, if you have been a child sometime since 1977, or that you will look it up, if you have children in your life now. Good, good stuff.  

Hebrews 11:6 is one of my favorite verses in the whole entire Bible "Without faith it is impossible to please GOD, for the one who comes to GOD must believe that He is, AND that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." 

I find it quite complimentary that the first November sunrise follows Reformation Day, October 31st, which heralds the truth and the joy and the freedom that Martin Luther pounded onto the door of the church, with 95 points, THE JUST SHALL LIVE BY FAITH. November 1st begins the 11th month of the year, which reminds me of the 11th chapter of Hebrews, the faith chapter. Beginning with Reformation Day, and counting 11 days, you land on Martin Luther's birthday, November 10th!

Reformation Day. The 11th month. The 11th chapter of Hebrews. Martin Luther's birthday. This is a time each year that I especially like to think of what it means to live by faith and how our faith pleases GOD.





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